7 Easy Marketing Tips for Construction Professionals

Not every busy is large enough to carry a marketing team, but every business (big or small) does need to engage in marketing efforts to reach their target audience. In previous posts, we have explored a myriad of opportunities available through social media marketing, as well as methods for direct marketing to leads gained through HBW. Today, we are going to get down to the basics and highlight some quick and easy ways for construction professionals to start or improve their marketing efforts.

Here are a few tips to get started:

  1. Create or Upgrade Your Website: Is your website optimized? Are all of the services, products, team members and contact information up to date? Whether you are in need of a website upgrade or simply need to make updates to your current website, conducting regular review of your pages is vital to ensuring that it is visible to search engines and accurately represents your company and brand.
  2. Optimize for Local SEO: Focus on local search engine optimization by including location-based keywords (e.g., “construction services in [Your City]”) on your website and in your content. Google your company and key search strings for services in your area to see where you fall in the search engine lineup. If your company falls in results in page 2 or beyond, you can benefit from an improved SEO plan.
  3. Utilize Social Media: In previous posts, we have reviewed different platforms and social media strategies to make the most of your pages and profiles. If used properly, social media can be a powerful tool in engaging prospects. Whether you choose to establish a presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or more, be sure to develop regular posts that offer authentic content including project updates, before-and-after photos, and behind-the-scenes exclusives.
  4. Collect Customer Reviews: It is important to integrate a method for receiving customer feedback directly, and encouraging satisfied clients to leave reviews on Google, Yelp, or your website. Feedback (both positive and negative) can offer important insight into clients’ needs and areas that may be in need of improvement, and positive reviews build trust and credibility.
  5. Offer Free Consultations: Not every business can offer free consultations, but every business can offer incentives to act. Providing free initial consultations or useful guidance and information to prospective clients enables you to connect and showcase your expertise.
  6. Get Local: From the Chamber of Commerce to local trade associations, your local area will have ample opportunities for connecting with the community, prospects and potential partners. By attending local business events, joining construction industry associations, and participating in community activities, you will open the doors to new opportunities for building relationships and referrals.
  7. Create Educational Content: Prospects are looking for educational content to help them make a decision on their new pool, kitchen renovation, roof repair, landscape design and more. Instead of just advertising your services, consider offering educational resources to help potential customers make decisions about services. This type of content allows you to share your expertise and can be provided through blog posts, videos, whitepapers, and webinars about construction tips, trends, and FAQs. This content can be shared on social media, websites, as well as sent directly to contacts you make through HBW permit data, and more.

The above listed tips are just a few of many to boost your business and reach your target audience, and they can quickly and easily be implemented to enhance your online presence, attract more clients, and grow your business effectively.

For more information on construction business marketing tips, stay connected with the HBW Blog.  To get ahead of construction activity and gain access to the latest permitting data in Florida, Texas, Georgia, Alabama and Oklahoma, contact HBW for more information on construction data reports and industry leads.

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