Atlanta Residential Construction Review: Q2-2024

New residential construction in the Metro Atlanta area has continued to see gains this year in comparison to last year. Through the second quarter of 2024, there has been a 25 percent year-over-year increase in new home construction, resulting in more … Continue reading

Atlanta Swimming Pool Construction Q2-2024

In Atlanta, new swimming pool construction has continued to reflect a decline over the last couple of years.  Since 2022, HBW has identified a consistent drop in swimming pool construction with annual decreases ranging from 8 percent (2022) to 26 percent … Continue reading

Atlanta Residential Construction Starts Strong in Q1

Based on the latest HBW quarterly “Building Activity Trend Report” for new residential construction in the Metro Atlanta area, new home construction is on the rise as of Q1-2024.  After a consistent pattern of annual decline since 2022, the Metro … Continue reading

Atlanta Quarterly Review: Swimming Pool Construction Q1-2024

New swimming pool construction in the Metro Atlanta area has been off to a slow start in the first quarter of this year.  From January through March 2024, there were just over 570 new swimming pool construction permits on record … Continue reading

Annual Review – Metro Atlanta Swimming Pool Construction 2023

When it comes to new swimming pool construction in the Metro Atlanta area, a significant decline was evident in 2023. Last year, there was a 29 percent year-over-year decrease in new swimming pool construction, marking the steepest annual decline for … Continue reading

Atlanta Residential Construction Annual Report – 2023

As we say goodbye to 2023 and begin 2024, HBW is in the process of reviewing construction permit data over the last year to identify building trends and areas where there have been gains (and losses) in the market.  HBW construction data reports … Continue reading

Atlanta Residential Construction Quarterly Review

As we explored earlier this week, the latest HBW Building Activity Trend Reports for the Metro Atlanta area are in and ready for review through the third quarter of this year.  Based on the latest data, there have been more … Continue reading

Metro Atlanta Swimming Pool Construction Review: Q3-2023

Since the start of this year (thru September), there have been 2,257 new swimming pool construction permits added to the HBW database for the Metro Atlanta area.  Based on the latest HBW Swimming Pool Construction Activity Trend Report, new swimming pool … Continue reading

HBW Quarterly Report: Atlanta Residential Construction Q2-2023

Based on HBW’s latest Building Activity Trend Report for New Residential Construction, the Metro Atlanta area appears to be experiencing another slow year when it come to new home construction.  Since last year, there have been signs of a downward trend … Continue reading

Atlanta Swimming Pool Construction Quarterly Review

We’ve reached the midpoint of the year, and Atlanta continues to demonstrate a slow and declining market for new swimming pool construction.  Since the start of 2023, there has been a 32 percent year-over-year decrease in new swimming pool construction … Continue reading